Verbo to decipher - Verbo to decipher en espa帽ol descifrar - Oraciones | Definiciones

Detalles y formas del verbo To decipher

Infinitivo: to decipher

Gerundio: deciphering

Pasado: deciphered

Participio: deciphered

驴 Cu谩ntas palabras crees que puedes escribir en un minuto ?

Presente Simple del verbo to decipher

  • volume_up
    I decipher
  • volume_up
    You decipher
  • volume_up
    He/She/It deciphers
  • volume_up
    We decipher
  • volume_up
    They decipher

Presente Continuo del verbo to decipher

  • volume_up
    I am deciphering
  • volume_up
    You are deciphering
  • volume_up
    He/She/It is deciphering
  • volume_up
    We are deciphering
  • volume_up
    They are deciphering

Pasado Simple del verbo to decipher

  • volume_up
    I deciphered
  • volume_up
    You deciphered
  • volume_up
    He/She/It deciphered
  • volume_up
    We deciphered
  • volume_up
    They deciphered

Pasado Continuo del verbo to decipher

  • volume_up
    I was deciphering
  • volume_up
    You were deciphering
  • volume_up
    He/She/It was deciphering
  • volume_up
    We were deciphering
  • volume_up
    They were deciphering

Presente Perfecto del verbo to decipher

  • volume_up
    I have deciphered
  • volume_up
    You have deciphered
  • volume_up
    He/She/It has deciphered
  • volume_up
    We have deciphered
  • volume_up
    They have deciphered

Pasado Perfecto del verbo to decipher

  • volume_up
    I had deciphered
  • volume_up
    You had deciphered
  • volume_up
    He/She/It had deciphered
  • volume_up
    We had deciphered
  • volume_up
    They had deciphered

Futuro Simple del verbo to decipher

  • volume_up
    I will decipher
  • volume_up
    You will decipher
  • volume_up
    He/She/It will decipher
  • volume_up
    We will decipher
  • volume_up
    They will decipher

Imperativo del verbo to decipher

  • volume_up

39 Oraciones con el verbo to decipher

  • 1
    She deciphers the ancient hieroglyphics to unlock the secrets of the pyramid..
  • 2
    He deciphered the encrypted message and discovered a hidden treasure..
  • 3
    They will decipher the mysterious code to solve the crime..
  • 4
    I have been deciphering the cryptic symbols for hours, but still can't figure out their meaning..
  • 5
    We need to decipher the hidden message in order to complete the mission..
  • 6
    You should ask the expert to decipher the ancient manuscript..
  • 7
    We had deciphered the coded message before it was too late..
  • 8
    The detective will decipher the suspect's handwriting to gather evidence..
  • 9
    Sarah is trying to decipher the encrypted files on her computer..
  • 10
    The archaeologist spent years deciphering the ancient Mayan language..
  • 11
    He will have to decipher the complex algorithm to access the database..
  • 12
    They had already deciphered the secret code when the enemy arrived..
  • 13
    I am determined to decipher the enigmatic message and solve the riddle..
  • 14
    We should hire a professional to decipher the encrypted data..
  • 15
    She had deciphered the secret diary and uncovered shocking revelations..
  • 16
    The linguist will decipher the mysterious language spoken by the isolated tribe..
  • 17
    I have recently started learning how to decipher ancient scripts..
  • 18
    They were able to decipher the hidden message after hours of analysis..
  • 19
    The professor is teaching us how to decipher ancient hieroglyphics..
  • 20
    I am struggling to decipher the meaning of this ancient inscription..
  • 21
    She deciphers the mathematical equations with ease..
  • 22
    He will need a magnifying glass to decipher the tiny text on the document..
  • 23
    They had to decipher the foreign language in order to communicate with the locals..
  • 24
    We will decipher the encrypted message using advanced cryptography techniques..
  • 25
    I am excited to decipher the encrypted code and reveal its secrets..
  • 26
    She had already deciphered the encrypted password before the system crashed..
  • 27
    They will decipher the ancient manuscript using state-of-the-art technology..
  • 28
    He should ask for help to decipher the complex puzzle..
  • 29
    We had to decipher the hidden message using a decoding device..
  • 30
    The linguist has dedicated his life to deciphering ancient languages..
  • 31
    I am confident that I can decipher the encrypted code with my programming skills..
  • 32
    She had successfully deciphered the ancient script and published her findings..
  • 33
    They will need a special key to decipher the encoded message..
  • 34
    I have been trying to decipher the cryptic symbols, but it's proving difficult..
  • 35
    He should have deciphered the secret code by now, but he's still struggling..
  • 36
    We had deciphered the encrypted message just in time to prevent a disaster..
  • 37
    The archaeologist is determined to decipher the ancient hieroglyphics and unlock their meaning..
  • 38
    I am thrilled to have the opportunity to decipher the mysterious code..
  • 39
    They were amazed when they managed to decipher the ancient text and understand its significance..